Samsung Galaxy S20 Wi-Fi Issues and Fixes

Let’s admit that Samsung Galaxy S20 alongside S20 Plus and Ultra are indeed, super-fancy smartphones money can buy. They are equipped with state-of-the-art features, mind-boggling specifications, and a number of entirely-baked components to entice.

Although Samsung Galaxy S20 is one of the gorgeous smartphones around but it’s not free from all the problems and errors – thanks to its Android operating system. Well, occurring problems in Android OS smartphone is not really a problem and can be fixed with less hassle.

samsung galaxy s20

As of now, we’re talking about the Samsung Galaxy S20 WiFi Problem – reported by a handsome range of users on different forums.

The phone, in actual, is not a reason behind this problem – instead, chances are there is a serious network issue that creates such a problem, or something is wrong with a router, which doesn’t work as perfectly as it should.

However, we don’t really rely on electronic products, so every now and then, you can easily expect this problem to have happened.

Anyways, we’ve done our best and gathered all the possibilities that may be a reason behind the Samsung Galaxy S20 WiFi Issue alongside solutions to apply and see if they work. So, let’s keep going and see how these solutions can help you fix the WiFi dropping issue in your Samsung Galaxy S20.

How to Fix Wi-Fi Dropping Connection in Galaxy S20?

It’s important to note that problems related to connection aren’t quite easy – but a hassle-full task. Perhaps you would be able to get rid of that problem by performing a basic troubleshooting process. With that in mind, here is a solution.

1: Reboot Your Phone and Router

Connection issues that unexpectedly occurred without obvious reason or purpose could be caused by a minor firmware problem or a need to refresh the network device itself.

So, the first and foremost thing you need to do is to restart your Galaxy S20 and wait for it to reload all of the services. Here is how:

  • Press and hold the Volume Down Button and Power Button for approx. 5-10 seconds.
  • Your Galaxy S20 will be turned off and power back on.
  • Wait for a second or two and when the logo appears, release both buttons and let the phone finish its reboot.

You’re required to follow the mentioned below steps while your phone reboots.

  • Disconnect your router from the power
  • Leave it for a minute or two.
  • Now, plug it in power back and wait.
  • Let the router become online and reconnect your phone.

After performing this, keep checking the performance if WiFi problems remain the same.

2: Reset Phone’s Network Settings

If our mentioned-above solution doesn’t work for you, but all other devices connected to the router are working fine, then it’s now the time to reset your phone’s network settings.

This will reverse the factory defaults of all network settings and correct any connection problem you may have. Such a procedure against issues like this has already been proven effective.

Nothing Works? Don’t Worry!

3: Factory Reset

If you have gone through all the solutions and performed network settings, but a problem remains the same, then this is going to be the last option. As it’s just a problem with the firmware or certain services, it can be fixed by a simple reset.

However, it’s mandatory to keep in mind that you should create a duplicate or copy of your important files, documents, or other data before you actually reset your phone as all your data will be deleted permanently, and you wouldn’t be able to retrieve them.

The Last Words

That’s all for now – hopefully listed above solutions will work quite perfectly to get rid of the Samsung Galaxy S20 WiFi issue that occurs frequently or randomly.

However, we do recommend you to go through your phone’s network settings and double-check everything. If resetting your network settings doesn’t work, then chances are there is something wrong with your network device or router.

Most important of all, if a problem still remains the same after doing every possible thing, then you should get connected with an Internet Service provider to solve this problem.  

Gohar Abbas
the authorGohar Abbas
Editor at Nextgenphone
Gohar Abbas is the youngest member in the team and writing for Nextgenphone for more than three years. He is an encyclopedia of smartphones. Without blinking an eyelid, he can tell you everything about any smartphone. You can find him watching Science Fiction movies and talk shows in his leisure time.
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