Android Keyboard Not Showing: How to Fix?

Your Android keyboard is not showing? In this detailed guide, you'll learn about helpful solutions with a step-by-step guide to solving the Android keyboard not showing problems.

Your Android phone would be incomplete without its keyboard. Android’s keyboard is an integral part of our phones, used for everything from typing in the search bar to sending texts. However, if your Android device has a problem, the keyboard may unexpectedly crash and not display, and you may be unable to access some aspects of the keypad’s functionality.

There are a few potential causes if your Android phone’s keyboard doesn’t show. Occasionally, this issue arises because of information or applications from outside the system.

The solution may lie in disabling or removing any recently installed apps. Yet, if these methods don’t provide results, you may need to resort to more extreme methods. The following are a few workarounds that might help you fix the Android keyboard not showing the issue. So, let’s have a look!

Android Keyboard Not Showing How to Fix
Photo by Emojisprout on unsplash

1:  Restart Your Device

restart your smartphone - android keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone

Restarting the phone is a quick and easy way to try to repair the keyboard problem. If you need to restart your device, press and hold the power button until the Restart option appears.

If you’re having trouble seeing the Android keyboard, this might help. Yet, after a few days, you may have identical difficulties. Then continue reading so that we can help you resolve the problem.

2:  Clear the Cache of Your Keyboard App

If your Android mobile’s keyboard suddenly stops showing up, you may be able to restore it by clearing the cache associated with that keyboard. This solution is universal and will work with any keyboard.

Find the keyboard that you’re using right now. Your Android device’s keyboard may be the Google Gboard, Samsung Keyboard, Microsoft SwiftKey, or another app entirely. These are the basic actions you may take to reset your keyboard’s cache:

  • Go to Settings and Tap on “Apps Management
goto settings and apps management - android keywboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Scroll Down and Look for “Keyboard App” (For Example Gboard)
go to GBoard - Android Keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Now Tap on Keyboard App and Then Tap on Storage
go to GBoard Storage - Android Keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
Clear GBoard Cache - Android Keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone

The keyboard app’s cache has been successfully cleaned. Your keyboard should now be visible once you have done it.

3:  Update Your Keyboard App

Fixing the problem where your Android keyboard won’t show up can be as simple as updating your keyboard app. Here are the steps to follow and update an app:

  • Open Google Play Store and Tap on “Account Icon
go to play store - android keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Now Tap on “Manage Apps and Device
go to manage apps - android keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Tap on “Updates Available
update all apps - android keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Now select Keyboard App and Update it
update pending apps - android keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone

4:  Reinstall Keyboard App

It’s likely that reinstalling the keyboard app will fix any remaining keyboard issues you’re having with your phone. The problem might already be the result of a corrupted installation of a third-party keyboard app. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app to see if it helps.

  • Go to Settings and Tap on Apps
goto settings and apps management - android keywboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Scroll Down and Choose “Keyboard App
go to GBoard - Android Keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Tap on Uninstall
unistall GBoard - Android Keyboard Not Working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Go to Play Store and Search for Keyboard App Tap to Install the Keyboard App Again

5:  Use a Third-Party Keyboard App

Users with the option to switch keyboards usually do so by installing a different app as their system’s default keyboard. While it won’t solve your keyboard issue, at least you’ll be able to use one.

Find the perfect keyboard by browsing the Play Store. After the keyboard is installed, you’ll be prompted to make it your system’s default. Make the freshly installed keyboard the default one.

6:  Disable Full-Screen Gestures (If Activated)

Using full-screen navigation gestures, users may navigate their phones’ interfaces without touching the screen. When this option is on, it may interfere with the device’s keyboard, making it more difficult to type and communicate.

Furthermore, the gestures for full-screen navigation capability may not work with third-party keyboard applications. Follow these steps to turn off your phone’s gesture navigation feature in full-screen mode:

  • Go to Settings and Scroll Down and Choose “System
go to settings and systems - android keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Now Look for “System Navigation” and Tap on it
Go to System Navigation - android keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Change it from “Gesture Navigation” to “Three-Button Navigation
enable three button navigation - android keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone

7:  Factory Reset Your Device

It’s possible you’ll need to restore your Android smartphone to factory settings. This should never be done unless absolutely necessary, yet sometimes it is the only choice left.

Before doing a factory reset, you should make sure you’ve backed up any data you consider vital to your everyday life to a cloud storage provider of your choosing. Keeping your Android device’s data secure is essential, so here’s a step-by-step guide to doing just that.

  • Go to Settings and Scroll Down and Choose “System
go to settings and systems - android keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Now Look for “Reset Options” and Tap on it
Click Reset Options - Android Keyboard not working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone
  • Select “Erase All Data (Factory Reset)” Option then Tap on “Erase All Data” and You are Done
Erase All Data (Factory Reset) - Android Keyboard Not Working
Image Credit: Nextgenphone


There you have it! If you’re having trouble with your Android device’s keyboard not showing, we hope these solutions helped. Did you finally restore your phone’s keyboard? Have you tried anything else to fix this problem? Leave your comments below!

Melanie Moeller
the authorMelanie Moeller
Melanie Moeller loves writing about the latest and greatest smartphones as well as all the latest news related to technology. She is enlightening the readers with more than 5 years of experience in writing. And when she doesn't write, she can be found listening to music and watching science fiction movies.
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