How to Boost Cell Phone Signals at Home?

Here is how you can improve your smartphones signals quality at home for free.

Are you looking to Boost Cell Signal at Home for Free? Obviously, bad or poor cell phone signals affect not only your calls but the internet as well. And we know it’s quite painful for all of us to face this situation especially when we are sitting in our homes watching our favourite shows on our smartphones.

Unfortunately, cell phone towers’ development isn’t very much fast as compared to the growth of smart-enabled devices across the world – hence, people face poor signal problems in their cell phones and many other smart devices.

However, there is nothing to be worried about as we have compiled a list of free as well as paid methods that will help you boost your cell phone signals quite significantly without any hassle. So, let’s have a look below!

Boost Cell Phone Signals

What Actually Causes Poor Signals?

There are many variables that impact the reception of your phone – may be your phone itself, your wireless carrier, size of the crowd you’re in, a material your car or home both are made of or even your location all play an important role to significantly determining your cell signal strength. Try the utmost to reduce the one that brings the most trouble to it.

How to Boost Signals? Free Methods


1: Check for Best Reception Portion of Your Home

First of all, you’ll need to find out where your cell phone tower is located – it’s because an area of your house near to cell phone tower means best and strong signals.

A look at decibel (dB) reading is the best way to find mobile phone signal strength. You can see that your phone’s bars vary from company to company. For instance, Sprint 3 bars are 2 Verizon bars, 1 AT&T bars, and full T-Mobile bars. Yeah, confused?

For bar readings, there is no industry standard. The radio frequencies, however, that operate within a certain range are radio signaling: -50 dB to -110 dB. -50 dB is a major signal, full bars. Basically, -110 dB is a dead zone.

Each iPhone or android phone will show dB readings while you should use a dedicated signal meter for super exact performance. Use the following guidelines for viewing dB read if you have an iPhone.

For iPhone Users

  • Go to Phone Mode
  • Dial *3001#12345#* and Enter Field Test Mode
  • Drag Notification Bar Down and You’ll See dB Reading

For Android Users

  • Go to Settings and Choose General
  • Go to About Phone
  • Choose Network or Status
  • There You’ll See dB Reading

It’s recommended to walk around your room or the entire house to see where the reading is close to -50 dB. If you find -50 dB in your home, it would be an excellent area for cell services.

2: Prefer Calling Over Wi-Fi

Although well-recognised applications like WhatsApp and Skype are being used for Internet calls for quite some time – but AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, and T-Mobile are embracing Wi-Fi calls slowly.

For this option, an iPhone user can go to settings and type “WiFi Calling” and the option will be in front of him. Android users, on the other hand, can also visit settings to find that option.

 All four carriers named Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile joined the Wi-Fi Calling game officially back in 2016. Thus, if you own a landline internet, you can use this function, without any doubt.

3: Charge Your Phone’s Battery Completely

At first glance, it doesn’t make any sense, right? But it’s true especially when it comes to nowadays’ smartphones. Obviously, your smartphone is not only a phone to make some calls to your loved ones but it’s like a mini-computer in your pocket. It’s also a music player, internet device, calendar, gamer player, book reader and more.

With a plethora of features and a small amount of battery, your smartphone would need a lot of power or juice not only to make calls but also to find strong signals.

Therefore, it’s highly recommended to keep your phone’s battery above 10% always to Improve Mobile Signal Strength otherwise, your phone will go into conversation mode and entire performance will be affected.

4: Stay Away from Interference and Barriers

Cell phone signals are like Radio waves. They’re decent for long distances, but the penetration is bad. And there is everything that can meaningfully affect signals.

The number of interferences includes Mountains, Hills, Trees, Any Tall Structure and Weather. The inside interferences, however, are Magnetic, Metal, Thick Building Material, Electrical and Lots of Clutter.

So, instead of getting the Best Cell Phone Signal Booster in your home for better signals, it’s suggested to keep these interferences in mind. We recommend you to get near the balcony or window and be elevated.

To get the best signals, it’s better to sit on the second floor of your home rather than the first.

5: Don’t Prefer Gatherings at Public and Crowds

Have you ever found that your mobile device is beginning to fail ever more slowly at public venues and events? This is because cell towers can only carry a number of connections at once.

When you are at a baseball game or a show and everyone takes pictures and tries to post to their Facebook or Instagram, it can drastically slow down the network and make it much worse. The only option is to step away from the crowd and find a less crowded area which ensures that less competition for signals.

Paid Methods

1: Femtocell & Microcell

The first and foremost paid method to Improve Smartphone Signals Quality at Home is Femtocell or Microcell. They both work with the use of the high-speed broadband Internet and convert it to cell signals. Although it’s convenient and powerful but they have many disadvantages.

This is only service provider-specific, that is to say, that an AT&T Femtocell operates exclusively and solely with AT&T phones and services. Therefore, seek not to move carriers in order to make your investment worth it.

Secondly, broadband internet needs to be available, of course. So, if you do, expect slower Internet as femtocell now uses other cell signals using that bandwidth.

2: Carriers Change

It may just be time to switch carriers after you have done whatever you can. With today’s easy to move phone numbers and competition paying you for switching networks, it may be the right time to leap and maybe get a new phone.

3: Signal Boosters and Repeaters

There are a lot of companies in the United States – offering Cell Phone Boosters for Rural Areas as well as urban areas that can take incoming weak signals, improve them and retransmit a boosting signal into an area when they are needed the most.

The solutions range from a low-cost single-room to a multi-story building coverage – but a common feature for a complete home booster is like WeBoost Connect 4G.

In recent years, cell amplifiers have also become increasingly common – as people without broadband Internet rely solely on their mobile signal as their only means of connecting to the Internet.

A good high-band signal would improve a poor cell phone signal and a provider that provides a high-quality service should be purchased. They are also costly – but the reviews are very good as they are considered good investments.

That’s all – Is this article informative and helpful for you? Drop your comments down in a box below if you’re unable to boost your cell phone signals after using listed-above methods. This would help us assist you even better.  

Melanie Moeller
the authorMelanie Moeller
Melanie Moeller loves writing about the latest and greatest smartphones as well as all the latest news related to technology. She is enlightening the readers with more than 5 years of experience in writing. And when she doesn't write, she can be found listening to music and watching science fiction movies.
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